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Nakia Roberson

I am Nakia L. Roberson, Dope Therapist Alumni Spring 2020.

  I have had many people reach out and compliment me on

the way they saw me showing up for my business. They asked

me what changed….


And I will tell you just as I’ve told them….I took my business

to the Next Stage by investing in myself.


I knew WHAT I wanted I just didn’t know HOW to get there, and late-night google searches began to take a toll on me.


Then one day I stumbled upon, Doctor TK. This woman changed my life. I was blown away at how REAL and TRANSPARENT she was as she talked about helping therapists like me grow their practice.


So, when she offered the Dope Therapist Academy….I jumped at the opportunity.


When I tell you my business began to flourish instantly…I was fully booked in a  matter of months. 


Here are a few of my wins since the academy (but not limited to 😉)


🦋Tripled my caseload

🦋Launched a live video series

🦋Developed friendships and accountability 

🦋Increased my rate

🦋Walked in confidence 

🦋Launched  a merchandise site

🦋Implemented automatons and systems to help my business run smoothly 

🦋Establish a business and money plan 


Are you ready to take your business to the NeXt Stage?


Let my coach Doctor TK brand your private practice and get you the RESULTS you want. Her signature framework is structured in 5 phases to help make significant changes easily achievable for all members. 


Become a member I would love to celebrate your successes with you... 


Check out more of my story to hear about the incredible value and community of the Academy.

I know you can overcome your professional fears and become a #DTA Success Story too. Sign up now to be apart of this DOPE  community before the registration window closes!

Live in the NeXt Stage!



Nakia Roberson

Dope Therapist Academy 

Doctor TK (center) and Dope Therapist at the 3-day Mastermind Retreat in Vegas

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