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The Relationship Check-Up is an online assessment designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of dating, engaged, or married couples. Couples receive a 45-minute assessment review and discuss relationship recommendations.  Research has shown that this process improves relationships by stimulating honest dialogue, increasing understanding, and empowering couples.



The Relationship
Check Up

The Relationship Checkup is Comprised of Five Sections:

Friendship and Intimacy

relationship satisfaction, emotional connection, romance, and admiration

The Shared Meaning System:

shared rituals, values, and goals

The Safety Scales:

trust, chaos, commitment, and emotional philosophies

Individual Areas of Concern:

individual issues, safety, sex, depression, drug and alcohol use, violence, anxiety, and other issues that may need psychological or psychiatric help

The Conflict Scales:

stress, relationship harshness, and conflict management

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1. Accept your invitation

After payment, you will each receive a separate email inviting you to The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup. 

2. Create a private profile

Once you have accepted the email invitation to join The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup, you and your partner will each create individual, separate profiles.


3. Complete the questionnaire

You and your partner will each complete your own questionnaire at your convenience. Stop and start at any time. Neither partner will be able to access the other’s information at any point in the process. In order to preserve the integrity and accuracy of the tool, you are encouraged not to share your responses with each other or log in to your partner’s account. The actual time it takes to complete each assessment varies, but it will take, on average, about two hours.

4. Get your results

When you have both completed your individual questionnaires, notify our office to schedule a 30 minute session, where we will review your results and discuss recommendations to improving and strengthening your relationship.

How It Works:

How It Works:

1. Accept your invitation

After payment, you will each receive a separate email inviting you to The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup. 

2. Create a private profile

Once you have accepted the email invitation to join The Enhanced Gottman Relationship Checkup, you and your partner will each create individual, separate profiles.


3. Complete the questionnaire

You and your partner will each complete your own questionnaire at your convenience. Stop and start at any time. Neither partner will be able to access the other’s information at any point in the process. In order to preserve the integrity and accuracy of the tool, you are encouraged not to share your responses with each other or log in to your partner’s account. The actual time it takes to complete each assessment varies, but it will take, on average, about two hours.

4. Get your results

When you have both completed your individual questionnaires, notify our office to schedule a 30 minute session, where we will review your results and discuss recommendations to improving and strengthening your relationship.

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Contact Us for your Virtual Experience | TEL.832-543-7255

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